Locally distributed manufacturing has been a passion of Omachron for the last 40 years. We have been providers of employment for professionals in the fields of engineering, technical trades, skilled trades, administration, artists, designers, security, construction, botanists, and more.
We have a desire to contribute to the circular economy, and do so by producing many of our products right here in Canada.
This week we have been taking an in depth look at the benefits of distributed manufacturing, and the positive contribution it makes locally, municipally, provincially and nationally. We have considered the benefits to job security, the environmental impact, the flexibility in production, sustainability, as well as both national and financial independence. On a small, and large scale, the impact of keeping manufacturing and employment within our own communities is astonishing. Let us take a moment to consider each of the categories.
Job security is increased as we see the opportunity for companies to produce products for local consumption. We see a demand for educated and skilled workers in our own communities, and employment in trades offers a higher standard of living. With smaller scale factories we are better able to control the health and safety standards. We need to build a well-rounded society where meaningful careers in so many varied fields, from designing, to manufacturing, to administration. By building this type of well-rounded society, Canada can regain its competitive edge. We must give people choices in education and employment to have a productive, successful society.
The environmental impact of manufacturing locally is of great importance. In a world where we rely on products of convenience, we often fail to take into account the environmental impact of the pollution of large factories, the cost to our health due to emissions in shipping and the waste that we create with single use products. By lowering our emissions as we are distributing locally, occupying smaller factories or workshops, and being mindful of the waste that we make in production, we can truly make a responsible contribution to reducing our carbon footprint.
Local manufacturers that manufacture for local markets have the additional benefit of being able to modify their product, materials, colors, etc in a short period of time.
We see great opportunities for sustainability in supporting local distributed manufacturing due to flexibility to innovate products, services, and uphold positive relationship with clients, partially because of face-to-face interaction and constant communication. Many materials can be reused in manufacturing, but it is often easier for large scale companies to dispose of product that is deemed unusable. Local manufacturers, ones who are heavily invested in the sustainability of their company and their region, are more likely to recycle materials and source ecologically responsible options to ensure their communities are as environmentally friendly as possible.
We will all benefit by helping Canadian companies to accelerate and grow to become thriving organizations. We can do this in many ways, the easiest being by purchasing their products - products that are developed, designed, and manufactured right here in Canada. This will create significant value in our economy. On a national level, we have a huge advantage in that we have natural resources including abundant energy, a high level of education, and a world class infrastructure. Investing in manufacturing within our own country means that we are creating apprenticeships, educational opportunities and new career potential for generations to come.
Finally, we considered financial independence. We are able to strengthen our local currency by keeping our money inside our communities. When we manufacture in a city, we order food from the restaurant next door, we get our hair cut at the local barber, and we support our local craftsmen. By continuously staying local in our day, we spend our earnings here and are contributing to our cities, municipalities and provinces. This strengthens the local economy.
Our chief scientist, Wayne Conrad, will be speaking to this topic on November 20th, at the Clarington Economic Summit.
Establishing a strong manufacturing base promotes innovation and productivity, stimulates growth, increases well-paid employment and reduces poverty. As well, it bolsters the demand for services upon which it relies to operate. New innovations spark additional demand, and local manufacturers have substantial new opportunities to satisfy these needs. We need manufacturing jobs throughout the nation to create universal prosperity. Manufacturing and the associated trades create knowledge, education, and experience that pass between generations.