Happy Family Day to our fellow Canadians! If you are living in the great white north as we are, you may have the day off to celebrate, and spend time with your family. If you are our neighbor to the south, you may not have heard of this before. Five of our provinces celebrate the day as an official holiday, British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, New Brunswick and Saskatchewan. Our first province to celebrate this was Alberta back in 1990, and in 2018 Saskatchewan joined us as the latest province to recognize the holiday.
As a family owned business in Ontario we appreciate the opportunity to be with our families on an this long weekend. We are extending our Valentine's Day special for a 2" x 6" x 12" purple block at a 10% discount until end of day today using the code PURPLEVALENTINE at checkout.
We hope you have the opportunity to spend some extra time with your family today. If you don't, we encourage you to take a moment to appreciate and remember those special moments with your family.